Refund Policy

Refund Policy - 17 reasons why

There’s a link to this refund policy on every page of our website and two links to it on everyone of our events

To look after people, there’s no refunds.

If you give us minimum 7 days warning before an event, by our email (not social media comments or DM requests) and if it’s agreed upon, then we can transfer your ticket to another posted event (not an untimed credit) of the same age range.


1.     For every person who cancels, we have to apologize to someone sitting by themselves, every 5 minutes for the entire 2hr event. 

2.     For every cancelation, we face multiple complaints from attendees who are disappointed about sitting through a no-show when they came to meet people. 

3.     If there’s more then 3 or 4 cancelations in a night, it destroys the event as people are constantly left sitting by themselves, they understandably get sad/angry/frustrated. 

4.     People put in a lot of time and effort getting ready and some travel considerable distances to attend and are very disappointed if it’s poor ratios due to no-shows. 

5.     In an extreme situation of bad turnouts, we’ve had to turn some people away, credit free tickets and even give refunds to those who attend, even though our event was fully and evenly booked. 

6.     While trying to run a speed dating event, it takes considerable time consoling those who are left by themselves, which can take the events longer to start and run and takes energy away from looking after everyone else. 

7.     When the attendees do come to speed dating and are hit with several empty no-show spots, they never return and leave bad reviews. 

8.     When running an event with no-shows or poor ratios due to cancelations, it’s just the worst feeling of continuously letting down all the people who did turn up – it’s just a bad time and not fair on the host who continually cops negativity from the room. 

9.     This decreases the attendance of future events and further increases our advertising spending. 

10. Other people who wanted to come speed dating missed out, because when someone books a spot it stops others from booking, so holding a spot that isn’t used causes complaints from others who missed out on attending 

11. Last minute cancelations are very hard to fill, that’s why events are posted at least 8 weeks in advance because it takes that long to find enough people 

12. When a ticket gets book, it blocks further bookings, meaning the  $5000 in weekly ads is wasted as subsequent clicks bounce 

13. By the time we receive last minute cancelation request, those who were interested are no longer interested because they didn’t have enough warning to book 

14. In the past when we’ve transferred tickets, or credited free tickets to cancelations in attempt to keep people happy, they don’t value the transferred ticket and there’s 70% chance they’ll no-show the second event as well, causing all the above to happen, twice. 

15. By crediting free tickets or transferring existing tickets to future events, it rewards and encourages cancelations and that is not constructive or fair on those who do turn up. 

16. We do our best to look after people by running the most well priced events with the cheapest speed dating tickets for the most amount of chats, but on top of great prices we can not afford to give away new free tickets whenever someone decides to cancel an event. 

17. To afford to give refunds or free tickets to people who cancel, we’d have to lift our prices and that would not be fair on all those who do take the effort to attend.

We understand if you can’t make it and you are always welcome to future events 

– You can still come to the event you originally booked a place in 

–  You could give your ticket to a friend of the same age range and gender you booked 

– You could sell your tickets, but we can not re sell your tickets with limited warning after it’s blocked our advertising efforts.